2 Jul

You Are Beautiful


Cheers to Tim Piper for making this short but powerful piece on the manufactured “beauty” that people are programmed to strive for.

Young girls see images on billboards and in commercials and they’re programmed into thinking, “Her photo is on a billboard. She’s in a commercial. People must think she’s beautiful, I want to look like that.” In reality, the image is completely fake. Advertising and the media drives perception.

For example, in the US, the media programs women to want to have a tan complexion. When Brian and I traveled Asia, we noticed the opposite. The media was programming women into thinking they needed to be “whiter” and have a pale complexion to be “beautiful.”

Realize that the desire to change you is a trap. You are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful. Each individual has God in their heart.

There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile. A simple confident smile can light up a room. And there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman who confidently displays her natural self.

Take the example of a woman who walks into a room with confidence and the ability to be proud of who she is. That’s natural beauty.

There was a recent study that showed only 2% of women in America feel that they are “beautiful.” Let’s flip this number upside down and make it 100%.

Reject the media brainwashing & embrace your beauty. Yes, you.


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