The Tree of Life, Gustav Klimt, 1905
Via Athleta Oh, chaturanga dandasana. We’ve had a long and complicated relationship. I remember my first few yoga classes way back when, and how it was unclear to me that people were not in fact lowering themselves all the way to the floor. They were – gasp – hovering! And when I first tried you, […]
First published on Daily Cup of Yoga By cultivating friendliness towards happiness and compassion towards misery, gladness towards virtue and indifference towards the wicked the mind becomes pure. ~ Yoga Sutra 1:33 Consider this: A yoga teacher gets a better time slot than you and her class is full when you arrive to teach the next class. […]
Technical degree holders from [a] state’s community colleges often earn more their first year out than those who studied the same field at a four-year university. Take graduates in health professions from Dyersburg State Community College. They not only finish two years earlier than their counterparts at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, but they […]