“Great Bright Morning” – Casey Abrams
In honor of all of our friends wandering that beautiful world out there.
Hakuna Matata
http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201304/nfl-mba-program “You’d think it would be hard to go broke on $1.1 million a year, which is what the average NFL player pulls down. The trouble is, the average NFL player retires in three-and-a-half years, and most blow through their retirement savings in less than ten. Which is why there’s now an MBA program with […]
Hakuna Matata
Positivity and Relationships People often ask how they can bring positive energy into their lives. The answer is that it begins with common interactions we all have on a daily basis. Interacting & conversing with people without a conscious plan can lead to negative conversations that consist of complaints, insults, and overall negative energy. So, […]
A Day in India from The Perennial Plate on Vimeo.