We can spend so much time focused on what we can’t control that we get so caught up only in that, and as a result, we feel totally powerless over our life. And while it’s important to be aware of what’s wrong and what we cannot control, our power is not found there. Our power is found in focusing on what we can control. By focusing ONLY on the problem, we tend to create more “problem.” But, by being aware of the “problem” and then focusing on what can control, we begin to take our power back. If we don’t know what the solution is to our circumstance – let’s ask The Uni-verse.
Dear Uni-verse,
Please show me the solution to my problem. I know that you are guiding me to greater and greater experiences. I let go of the judgment of my situation and embrace the teachings that I am receiving. I trust You, even if I am scared. I let go of needing to know how things turn out and instead am grateful and excited for the RIDE. I know that things don’t always go my way and I CELEBRATE this because – when things go Your way, life flows in magnificent and glorious ways. I know that You have a greater vision for my life than I could ever imagine, and so I surrender to that vision daily. Show me my next steps and please help to give me the courage to feel the fear of taking that step and doing it anyway! I choose to embrace Your Love by giving EVERYTHING that happens in my life an empowering meaning. I know that together, We are unstoppable!
When we make declarations and requests like this – magic starts to happen. We step out of our limited point of view and make ourselves open and available for even greater things to be. Today’s problem is tomorrow’s gift. Today’s snag in your plans or today’s major misfortune will be seen for what it is later – Grace. So instead of waiting for later to see this as Grace, step into the belief and mindset that what is happening – even though it wasn’t planned and it might seem scary – is awesome Grace from The Uni-verse.
Let go of the need to know how things END and enjoy the ride. Cuz when life ends – it’s over!
Let’s celebrate the journey today! Do you feel me?
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Via Mastin Kipp and The Daily Love