16 Sep

What Each Color Means in Feng Shui

Via Katie Rogers on Mind Boddy Green

We’ve all experienced the profound difference a new shade of paint can make in a room. Or how a red dress makes us feel as opposed to a light blue one. This is not to be undervalued! Colors have meaning and express a certain energy, and our subconscious is constantly taking cues.

Simply put, color is one of the most powerful tools used in feng shui.

If you’re looking to make a change in your life, you may want to reconsider the color schemes in your home and office. But do so consciously! Start with the following list, and consider hiring a feng shui consultant who can help you choose the appropriate colors according to feng shui principles, such as the bagua map and elements.



Red represents the element of fire, and because of its intensity, is considered a lucky color in feng shui. Use it in doses to redirect energy around the home.

Basic meanings: hot, bold, daring, high voltage, lucky.

To read the rest, click here for Katie’s terrific, succinct guide to feng shui colors.

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