8 Dec

Move Your DNA Book Review: 10 Key Takeaways

Move Your DNA Book Review

In this Move Your DNA book review, I will summarize Katy Bowman’s profound book. My hope is that this Move Your DNA book review serves as a cogent introduction to the unorthodox, highly valuable work of Katy Bowman.

Move Your DNA was recommended to me by Danielle after she listened to a podcast featuring Katy Bowman. The general thesis of Move Your DNA is that we as humans will be healthier and more vibrant if we move more frequently and if our physical movements become more natural. Katy believes that our everyday physical movements should become more diversified and resemble the way that our ancestors moved.

As you’ll read throughout this Move Your DNA book review, I found this to be a brilliant book. Bowman provides simple but integral wisdom on movements we can perform in order to obtain and maintain optimal health. Bowman suggests that through movement, we have the power to change our DNA. Moreover, Bowman asserts lifestyle habits that we’ve adopted (mainly because of globalization and technology) can be looked at as primary drivers of Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease, Depression and many other ailments that Westerners suffer with. Avoiding these ailments and achieving optimal health are the primary reasons why we should change (or move) our DNA.

The genetic expression of our bodies is highly correlated with our frequency of physical movement and the type of movements we engage in each day. Put another way, the shape of our bodies (external bodies and internal bodies) is defined by the way we move.

Bowman contends that overreliance on the structures and constraints that we introduced with good intentions (i.e. chairs in corporate offices, couches, soft mattresses, even the shoes we wear on our feet) are doing us harm by causing our bodies to function less effectively. In turn, this can lead to disease, malaise, early death, and a general lack of vibrancy.

Intuitively this makes sense but until Katy’s work, I had never thought of or read research pointing to these conclusions. Prior to writing this Move Your DNA book review, I remember meeting a woman in Bali two years ago. She was was well over 100 years old. When I asked what the key was, her response was: “The key is to continue moving.” Then she got up from her squat in her garden and put a huge basket of fresh vegetables (that she had picked) on her head as she began the long walk home.

Although what we eat/drink is imperative to living a vibrant life, this book is strictly about our physical movements. Bowman does not minimize the importance of eating healthy foods. However, Katy contends that a healthy diet is not enough. The positives of a healthy diet can be negatively offset by the harmful impact of living sedentarily or semi sedentarily.

In this Move Your DNA book review I will cover what the 10 key takeaways:

1. Be Barefoot as Often as Possible

Walk on varying natural terrains especially cobblestone, sand, and grass. This will expose your feet to more natural environments. Walking barefoot on natural terrains allow your feet to use muscles that they have not used in a long time. No two environments on Earth are identical. 25% of your body’s muscles are located from the ankle down. Avoid putting your feet in stiff, inflexible shoes. This is like putting your feet in a cast!

There are many studies that show the mental and physical benefits of being barefoot.

I know I always feel so good and more connected to Earth after a barefoot day at the beach or in the grass.

2. The Term “It’s Genetic” Doesn’t Mean “It’s Unchangeable”

Growing up, I always equated “Genetic” with “Predetermined,” wrongly thinking that there was nothing I could do about the specific genes that I inherited from my familial lineage. Bowman’s thesis is centered around the premise that this is patently false.

When writing this Move Your DNA Book Review, this quote came to mind:
“The pattern of disease of injury that affects any group of people is never a matter of chance. It is invariably the expressions of stresses and strains to which they were exposed, a response to everything in their environment and behavior.” ~Calvin Wells in Bones, Bodies and Disease

3. Your Daily Workout Routine Probably isn’t Cutting it

Exercise is only one form of movement. Bowman makes the point that many Westerners assume that as long as they get their 30 to 90 minutes of exercise in a few days a week, they are taking care of their body’s requirement to move. However, even if you are active for 30 to 90 minutes per day, sitting (or standing) in the same basic position all day, you’re probably doing harm to your body. Repetitive exercise is not necessarily helpful even if it is strenuous.

Intuitively, this makes sense. After all, with 24 hours in a day, 1 hour of movement is certainly not a lot.

Throughout the day make sure to frequently get up, squat, walk without shoes, expose your feet to varying terrains. To “move” you do not need to exercise.

Even if you exercise vigorously for an hour each day or if you practise yoga asanas for an hour each day, if you are sitting or standing for the rest of the day, you are still living a sedentary lifestyle.

4. Stand with Your Feet/Toes Straight

This is just one of many tips Katy includes in Move Your DNA. From a very young age, constraints (such as diapers) that kids are exposed to can drastically impact how they stand/walk. For instance, if you look at how people stand in a resting position, you will notice that many people stand with their toes facing outward instead of straight ahead. This is often a result of the impact of diapers interfering with the natural gait of the baby/child. These habits are formed unconsciously and continue throughout adolescence and adulthood. This misalignment can result in joint problems such as hip dysplaysia.

Other small alignment tips include exercising your eyes by looking at distant items while outdoors. How much time do we spend indoors looking at screens? Surely, there is an impact on on eyes and brains because of this. By looking at objects in the far distance, we strengthen our eyes and use them the way our ancestors did.

5. Reconsider Common Beliefs

Bowman suggests that simple actions we take for granted may have a severe impact on our health and the health of those in our lives. Is your baby’s diaper impacting the way he’s learning to walk? Is having children sit in the traditional Western upright position for eight hours per day harming their joints and posture? Is the most comfortable mattress also the most harmful mattress? Is staring at a computer and TV screen for half of your life healthy?

Also, it is important to not compare yourself with others. You might say, “Well, I’m in better shape than 95% of Americans/Westerners so that is good enough.” As the great sage Krishnamurti once said, “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Ask yourself, can your body be functioning on a higher level?

6. Maybe Your Shoes and Mattress aren’t Helping, they’re Hurting

Katy suggests that it would be beneficial to sleep on a more stiff bed/mattress. The softest, most comfortable mattress is probably doing harm by changing the composition of your body. Also, if you find that you are in pain after sleeping on a different bed or a couch, this could be an indication that you have coddled yourself too much and done damage by sleeping on a soft mattress.

Shoes with high arches and platforms are literally changing the composition of your feet…. and not in a good way. Wearing “casts” like this also changes the natural alignment of the rest of your body because your hips, back, and other body parts try to compensate to make up for the way your feet are being altered.

If you are wearing shoes, make sure they’re flexible.

7. Running on the Treadmill or Elliptical is Far Different than Running Outside

Westerners have become obsessed with counting calories for the foods we eat and the steps we take in our exercise. We’ve made this robotic and it’s been compounded by restaurants and diet programs. Many believe that they can eat a certain amount of calories regardless of the type of food as long as they “burn off” the same amount of calories at the gym.

As a species, we used to exercise to find and gather food. Now we exercise in order to eat. It’s backwards.

Sidenote: Why the calorie obsession? Is 200 calories of raw sprouted almonds the same as 200 calories of a doughnut? Of course not but this is a Move Your DNA book review, not a calorie post 😉

8. Squat Daily

In our ancestors’ daily life, squatting occurred every single day over and over again. Whether it was going to the “bathroom,” collecting food, or starting a fire, squatting was a frequent occurrence each day. Today we have “conveniences” like Western toilets, counter tops, grocery stores, chairs that prevent us from squatting. There are so many studies that show how beneficial squatting is for humans.

Side Note: I’ve even read theories that suggest part of the reason Alzeimer’s is less frequent in Asia (even in modern times) is because Asian cultures squat more often.

9. Avoid Manmade Sound and Lighting as Much as Possible

We have become accustomed to, “….a constant barrage of technology, meetings, meals on the go, pollution, and traffic, with the accompanying cacophony of mental and literal noise that goes with it.” ~Jason Lewis, in the Foreword to Move Your DNA

There is so much manmade noise and light in our world today. None of it existed in the past. We’ve become very accustomed to this noise and light and sometimes we don’t even know what silence is until we “hear” it.

My Uncle Cappy once took me up to the top of a mountain in Vermont for the last run. Instead of skiing down the hill, we stayed at the top and waited for the chairlift to turn off. When everyone else was down the mountain and the chairlift was off, all that was left was pure, glorious, beautiful, silence. This is Earth’s natural state.

Some have become so accustomed to sound and light that they need TV in order to perform a “menial” task or to fall asleep.
More on this in our post on how to get better sleep without medication.

10. Is Your Body Functioning Well? How Do You Feel?

Westerners today tend to base their overall health on tests (cholesterol levels, body weight, lipid tests) or how we look. “You have a healthy tan,” or you look great because “You lost weight.”

But shouldn’t the ultimate test of one’s health be based on how they feel?

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

Are your bowels properly eliminating waste every day?

How do you feel when you do a full squat?

How is the quality of your sleep?

Move Your DNA Book Review Summary

Bottom line, our bodies and minds will function better if we change the frequency and the composition of our physical everyday movements. Many physical ailments could be easily improved or cured if we were moving more.

Make sure that your body and mind are functioning properly by moving! You can start today:

  • +Sit down less
  • +Improve your alignment, incorporate better posture and stand with your feet straight
  • +To strengthen eyes and vision, look at objects that are far away from you. Cut down on exposure to computer, phone and TV screens
  • +Walk barefoot
  • +Get outdoors more
  • +”Move naturally” rather than simply “exercising”
  • +Instead of bending at the waist to tie your shoes, squat down
  • +Hang and swing your arms from tree limbs or monkey bars (think bottom of the a pull-up position)
  • +Do 360 degree ankle rolls each day to recover and maintain the range of motion that your feet may have lost from inactivity and stiff shoes

Cheers, Katy, for being bold, creative, openminded. I have purchased several of your books for Christmas presents including the foot guide for my mother 🙂

In the comments section, let me know what you think of this Move Your DNA book review 🙂

What are some other tips we can implement?

2 comments Paz Romano
13 Nov

7 Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep Without Medication

Finding natural ways to get better sleep without medication is important because almost everyone has trouble sleeping at some point in their life.

There’s a lot of focus on the amount of sleep (# of hours per night) we get but what about the constitution of that sleep? In terms of sleep, it is not just the quantity of sleep but also the quality. The age old question of, “How many hours are you sleeping at night?” is likely not as indicative as, “How well do you sleep at night?”

Thousands knowingly suffer from insomnia but perhaps just as problematic is the less overt “poor sleeper” whose health is negatively impacted by poor sleep without their knowledge. In fact, upwards of 70 million Americans (29% of our adult population) suffer from a lack of sleep or poor sleep quality.We’ve documented the overmedication of Americans and sleep aids are no exception as 9 million Americans (4% of US adult population) use prescription sleep medication despite the inherent risks.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are several natural ways to get better sleep without medication:

Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep Without Medication

1. Create Absolute Darkness in your room

A recent study showed that event he subtle light of a laser pointer disrupted the sleep of the survey participants. Light disturbs the body’s production of melatonin which is a sleep regulating hormone that your body naturally produces. Sanjeev Kothare, M.D., director of the pediatric sleep program at NYU Langone Medical Center calls melatonin, “the hormone of the dark” because the body produces late in the day as it gets darker in your environment. By exposing your body to light in the form of TV, cell phones, etc., you are confusing your body’s natural daily cyclical functioning by not allowing it to produce the proper amount of melatonin. So ditch night light and if you insist on having your cell phone in your room, keep it face down so that it does not emit light during the night.

2. Restorative Yoga Poses or Meditation Before Bed

Standing forward bend, Seated forward bend, Happy Baby, and Seated Twists are just a few of the dozens of helpful yoga poses that can be practiced before bed. Studies have shown that those who practice yoga and/or meditation get more sleep and better quality sleep. Do a few restorative poses to induce relaxation and to calm your central nervous system.

3. Drink Herbal Tea

In the US, Chamomile Tea is the most well known tea. It works. Peppermint, Spearmint, Licorice Root are also good for promoting restful sleep. Yogi Tea makes a good, natural, non GMO blend for sleep induction.

4. Make Sure Your Sleeping Environment is as Silent as Possible

Sleeping with a television should be avoided. By sleeping with the TV on, the quality of your rest is compromised. Your brain is subconsciously attempting to interpret the chatter of the TV show and hundreds of commercials that you’re exposing it to. It’s no wonder that even if those who fall asleep with the TV get the same # of hours of sleep, they don’t experience the same quality of sleep. If even the slightest noise or sound has been proven to negatively impact sleep quality, you can imagine the impact of television.

5. Deep Exhales

Inhale through your nose for a count of 3 seconds. Exhale through your nose for a count of 6 seconds. Doubling the amount of time on the exhales has been proven to decrease stress and help with relaxation.

6. Keep the Room Cold

You know that feeling in the morning when you don’t want to get out of bed because your room is cold and your bed is warm? Recreate this every night. If you’re able to control the temperature in your room, keep the temperature below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, 21 degrees Celsius. Can you ever recall getting a good night sleep while you were sweating or the temperature was too hot? Me either.

7. Put the cell phone and computer away at least one hour before bed

One of the best practices for getting quality sleep is to put your cell phone in airplane mode before going to sleep. Checking the barrage of incoming messages and advertisements on your cell phone right before bed can cause stress and decrease relaxation. Make sure to totally “shut it down” before you hit the sack 😉 Instead of looking on Facebook or texting, you might take 10 minutes to journal, pray, or reflect on the beautiful things in your life.

Hope you can implement these tips to get better sleep without medication. Please let us know if you have any other ideas on how we can all get better quality sleep. 🙂

2 comments Paz Romano
26 Jan

Backpacking Chongqing China

backpacking chongqing chinaTraveling Chongqing China

Backpacking Chongqing China is the experience of a lifetime. Chongqing has a population of twenty nine million people. Think about that for a moment. That’s over 50% more than the population of the metropolitan New York City area. Yet, nine out of ten Americans (including us before Hesh encouraged us to visit) have not heard of the city!

Chongqing features the confluence of two of China’s greatest rivers, the Jialing River and Yangtze River. Thus Chongqing is known as the “city on the rivers.” As in most areas of China, we were greeted with warm smiles, open arms, and lots of positive energy from the Chinese people!

Where is Chongqing

Chongqing is in central China near the infamous Tibetan Plateau. Chongqing is approximately 1,100 miles away from both Beijing (in the northeast) and Shanghai (in the east). This is about same distance as NYC to Orlando, FL.

Where is Chongqing China

What’s Unique About Chongqing China?

    • The spicy food and the spicy women! Chongqing is known for hot, spicy food, especially “hot pot” dishes. Chongqing is also infamous for aggressive women.
    • The sheer number of people (29 million people in Chongqing metropolitan area)
    • The confluence of two major rivers. In Chongqing, two massive rivers meet (Jialing River and Yangtze River)
backpacking chongqing china

Beautiful Temple in Chongqing

backpacking chongqing china

Brian in front of Chongqing Library

Only in China:

All my posts about traveling China include an “Only in China” section where we try to share with you the most ridiculous, random, hilarious oddities of traveling this wonderfully wild country!

backpacking chongqing china

Ducks outside a restaurant in Chongqing

ma jong in chongqing china

Chinese Families eating dinner and playing Ma Jong

backpacking chongqing china

The ducks have been trained to eat and then return to their owners

chongqing man carrying refridgerator

Getting a workout in?

backpacking chongqing

The alleyway where the hostel is located, the Chinese are creative in transporting goods!

love never fails cross in china

Gods love shining on us in the middle of China

god loves the world chongqing

The Chinese often struggle with English translations but not this time 🙂

hot pot history in china

Last line: “How surprised it is!” A more typical Chinese translation 😉

chongqing china construction

Massive amounts of skyscrapers going up in Chongqing

chongqing china fashion dog in shoes

Chinese woman’s dog all dolled up 😉

china gamers addicted

Chinese “gamers” in a dark secluded internet gaming lounge #addicted

brian lucid practice monkey in chongqing

Brian with a monkey on the streets of Chongqing

chongqing boat tour

A view of Chongqing from our boat cruise on the Yangtze River


Large building in Chongqing where the two rivers converge

Where to Stay in Chongqing China

Back to backpacking Chongqing China ….. Chongqing has many high quality, inexpensive hostels. We stayed at Chongqing Urban Trails Youth Hostel and highly recommend it.

Urban Youth Hostel is difficult to find because it is tucked in inside a narrow alleyway that cars cannot drive on. Once you get there, you’ll find a simple (in a good way), inexpensive, clean hostel in the heart of Chongqing.

My favorite part about this hostel was the friendliness of the staff, particularly an employee named Tiger Tang. All of the hostel staff were helpful (giving us the local lowdown on where to go, what to see, etc) and outgoing. They were so curious to talk to Americans because 1) They’re from Chongqing (see below on nightclub experience) and 2) They’re always trying to improve their English 3) The intrigue factor because so few Americans travel to Chongqing.

backpacking chongqing

The alleyway where Urban Youth Hostel is located

Weather in Chongqing China

The weather in Chongqing China is very moderate except for the summer when it gets very hot and humid. The winters are mild. The ideal times for backpacking Chongqing China are from March through May or September through November.

Getting Around Chongqing

You have options. Since transportation is government subsidized in China, taxis are very cheap. You can also get around Chongqing by bus or subway. Chongqing subways are immaculately clean, efficient, and FAST.

Top 4 things to do Backpacking Chongqing China

1.Eat spicy Chongqing hot pot!

If you’re backpacking Chongqing China, you simply cannot leave the city without eating spicy hot pot! Hot pot is an experience anywhere in China but Chongqing’s hot pot is the most unique hot pot in the entire country. Due to the Sichuan peppers that are used, Chongqing hot pot spices create a unique sensation taste that is indescribable. If you do nothing else in Chongqing, eat hot pot! Note: Vegetarians can access hot pot too. Veggies are cooked in the hot pot, not just meat/fish.

hot pot in china

Traditional Chinese hot pot meal, The searing hot spicy broth cooks the raw meat/veggies/fish


hot pot in chongqing china

Cooking our own Hot Pot in Chingqing

chongqing hot pot

Brian cooking Hot Pot in a Chongqing restaurant

friendly chinese peoplein chongqing

Blurry photo of Paz enjoying hot pot with another Chinese patron

2. Go out to a Chongqing night club

We were planning on going back to the hostel after dinner but happened to stumble upon a night club. We were wearing athletic shorts and tee shirts but still decided to stop in. We figured it would be uneventful and that we’d stay for five minutes or so.

In most cultures, it is the men who are the aggressors. In Chongqing, it is the opposite… and boy are they aggressive. Go out to a bar or night club and they will probably approach you and want to take photos, hang out all night…. all despite the fact that most don’t speak a lick of English.

The great part about Chongqing is even if you don’t know anyone, you will within two minutes of entering a social scene. Whether it’s a bar, restaurant, or store, most people are outgoing and curious. This made for a great night and an opportunity to meet people and spread positive energy.

chongqing spicy women

The Chongqing “Spicy Women


chongqing china club

DJ in Chongqing nightclub

chongqing china club

Not a lick of English but smiles are universal 🙂


chongqing club

The crowd erupted when the famous singer made an impromptu performance

3. Check out Jiefangbei Square

Chongqing’s premier shopping district. You can always get a good sense of a city by its markets and stores.

chongqing china palace

The View of Jeifang Bei from our boat cruise

4. Visit the Chongqing Golden Chinese Buddha

Huayan Scenic Resort golden Buddha

Golden Buddha in Chongqing China

Food in Chongqing China, What to Eat:

          • Fresh seafood from the fisherman and hot pot. Located at the confluence of two major rivers, Chongqing has amazingly fresh seafood.
          • Check out a new niche food that has sprung up in the past few years, Indian rotis!

chongqing indian roti

indian roti in chongqing

Chongqing Indian Roti Artist at Work!

food in chongqing

This guy was awesome!

chongqing china indian roti

Indian Roti maker bringing the Positive Energy All Day!

indian roti in china

Paz Enjoying the Finished Product, Indian Roti with Banana 🙂

          • Goji Berries. Heralded as a superfood in the West, the Chinese rarely eat Goji Berries. Instead, they are used for medicinal purposes in Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal. Chongqing is relatively close to the Himalayas, goji berries are dirt cheap here (about 20x cheaper than at a Whole Foods Market in the US where they sell for $21.99 USD per pound)
goji berries in chongqing china

A Woman Grabbing me a Handful of Goji Berries in a Chongqing Market

Average Daily Cost of Backpacking Chongqing China: $31 Per Day

Hostel: $15 USD Food: $14 USD Transportation: $2 USD

Backpacking Chongqing China

Overall, is a crazy, interesting, unique city and probably the biggest city you’ve never heard of. We met friendly, open people and ate amazing food without paying a lot. Here are some of our other posts on traveling:

Traveling to China for the first time? Post a question in the comments section below, we’ll respond with advice! If you liked this post, please share it with friends and leave a comment!

5 comments Paz Romano
19 Dec

Best Gifts for World Travelers

Best Gifts for World Travelers

A couple years ago, I received an awesome surprise gift from my cousin and this prompted me to think of the best gifts for world travelers. My cousin Anna had me in our family’s “Secret Santa” or “Chris Kringle” gift exchange. Although I didn’t ask for anything, she knew what to get me: a book and a map. I had just returned from a 3 month trip around Asia and Anna was thoughtful enough to give me these thought provoking, mind~expanding gifts. It got me thinking that I could create a concise list of gifts that travelers will especially appreciate. Here’s what I came up with as a list of the best gifts for world travelers:

The 5 Best Gifts for World Travelers

1. Books

If you’re a world traveler, chances are you are curious and open minded. What better gift than a book? A good friend once told Brian and me that the greatest gift you can possibly give someone is a book because it has the potential to expand their mind. I suggest either a travel book, a book that can enhance their character, or a book that might alter their perspective on life. Here are a few suggestions:

Travel Books:

The Beach
Into the Wild
Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Philosophy Books:

Living with the Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama
The Holy Bible (this version is recommended by my dear cousin, Bob)
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life

2. A World Map

Chances are, if your gift recipient is a world traveler, they’re fascinated by maps. Give them a map and watch them start telling stories of their travels, where they’ve been, where they’ll go. World maps might seem cliché to some but in reality, each world map is a bit different…. some are vastly different (see photo at the top of this post, image credit to: valeriepieris on reddit). I’ll never forget seeing this map before Brian and I made our trip to Asia.

Give your loved one the map & watch them instantly become magnetized to it. Brian has been known to pick out a spot on a map and “go there” mentally…. Visualizing being there for a short or a long while. This is indeed a lucid practice 😉

3. A More localized map

A map of a special place is one of the best gifts for world travelers. Getting a world traveler a map of one of their favorite countries or favorite cities. Travelers love closely examining maps of the countries, cities, and towns that they’ve been to. Remember, there are vintage maps, pocket maps, wall maps, all sorts of maps…. So get creative!

best gifts for world travelers

Local Map of Italy, image credit: Shutterstock

4. Travel Yoga Mat

Many of our readers practice yoga but even if you don’t, it is nice to have a mat for exercising while on the road. Who knows, maybe your trip around the world will be in your inspiration to take up the practice of yoga. If you have a mat, it will be that much more accessible. All yoga mats are not created equally… some can be difficult to travel with while others are very convenient. For more on travel yoga mats, click the link to read the great post that our friends Brandon and Anne wrote on this.

5. Printed Photos

Travelers love seeing the photos from their journey. It instantly brings back memories of great times. Check their blog or Facebook page for photos from their trips. Consider blowing up a photo and framing it for them or creating an entire album. If it’s that extra special person, invest a few days to make them a travel collage like the on Brian made in this post. Photos are tangible and practical, they’re involved in the recipient’s everyday life. Photos are last but definitely not least on our list of best gifts for world travelers.

For most, the best gifts for world travelers will probably be inexpensive gifts — but also very thoughtful gifts. The key to making a lasting impact on a traveler is to touch their heart and/or to make them think more deeply.

Please note that there are no “affiliate links” in this post. In other words, we are not compensated by anyone if you are to click the links within this post and make a purchase. We’re simply hoping to assist you in finding meaningful gifts for loved ones 🙂

Have you ever given/received any of these best gifts for travelers?
What are other thoughtful gift ideas for travelers?
Let us know in the comments section 🙂

5 comments Paz Romano
14 Nov

3 Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques You Can Start Using Today

3 Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques to Implement Today

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of life that has been used for over 4000 years. Here are three simple Ayurvedic cleansing techniques that you can begin today. These techniques may seem odd or complex, but once learned, they are easy to understand and execute. These three Ayurvedic cleansing techniques are the basic tenants of daily Ayurvedic hygiene.

1. Ayurvedic Tongue Scraping

If you thought brushing your teeth in the morning & evening was sufficient for oral health, think again. Tongue scraping is the perfect supplement to flossing and teeth brushing. Tongue scraping is one of the most efficient Ayurvedic cleansing techniques. Tongue scraping is basic and easy, yet so important.

The tongue plays crucial roles in healthy body functioning. As you sleep each night, toxins accumulate on your tongue. Every morning, as soon as you wake up (before brushing your teeth), use your tongue scraper to remove the layer of toxins.

Depending on the individual, Ayurveda recommends recommends a copper, gold, or silver tongue scraper.

For beginners, you can simply start with a stainless steel tongue scraper or even a plastic tongue scraper from your local pharmacy or grocery market.

As an added benefit, removing the phlegm from your tongue each day will improve your breath. 😉

2. Ayurvedic Oil Pulling

Ayurvedic oil pulling is a terrific way to cleanse your mouth. Through consistent oil pulling, your teeth, tongue, and gums will be cleansed. Oil pulling is one of the more simple, inexpensive, ancient Ayurvedic cleansing techniques. Oil pulling will cleanse your mouth in ways that brushing your teeth does not.

To oil pull, bring a spoonful of vegetable or coconut oil to your mouth and use it as you would mouthwash. Gargle the oil for fifteen to twenty minutes. Spit the oil out (not in sink because it can cause clogs in drains) and brush your teeth immediately after to rid your mouth of toxins.

Warning: Do not swallow the oil! The oil is full of toxins after swishing around in your mouth for twenty minutes.

Check out our post here on the Benefits of Oil Pulling.

3. Ayurvedic Neti Pot Cleansing

Some of the benefits of Ayurvedic Neti Pot Cleaning include:

  • Flushing of harmful matter (i.e. dirt, dust, bacteria, etc.)
  • Increase in the flow of prana (energy)
  • Improved breathing
  • Improved sense of hearing
  • Natural alternative to sinus medication

How to start using a Neti Pot:

Purchase a neti pot from an Ayurvedic store or even your local pharmacy. Fill the neti pot to the correct level with warm water (after it has boiled and cooled) and pharmaceutical grade salt.

Put the spout of the neti pot in your nostril and lean your head slightly forward. Tilt your head to a 45 degree angle. This will ensure that gravity will assist and your nasal passage will be cleansed with ease. The water enters in one nostril and out the other. As soon as the water is gone, refill the neti pot with water and salt and repeat on the opposite nostril.

ayurvedic cleansing techniques

Woman using Ayurvedic Neti Pot, image courtesy: zogayoga

Neti pot cleansing should be practiced with care and meticulous attention. It can be dangerous otherwise.

Advice for using neti pot effectively:

  • Use 100% sea salt or pharmaceutical grade salt that has been manufactured specifically for Ayurvedic Neti Pot Cleansing.
  • Use filtered water. Warning: Do not use tap water for Neti Pot cleansing. Tap water may contain trace contaminants that can cause significant harm. Use Distilled water and boil it.
  • Clean your neti pot with hot, filtered water after each usage. Dry your neti pot with a paper towel and store in a dry, cool, dark place.
  • Do not cover one nostril and blow nose
  • The water should be warm but comfortable, you don’t want to burn your nasal passage.
  • The ratio between water and salt is also important. Do not use use too much or too little salt.

Note: I have recently implemented Neti Pot cleansing as a tool to improve athletic performance. Before every basketball game, I cleanse my nasal passage with my Neti Pot. The results have been great as I can breathe so much easier. My stamina has increased tenfold.

Here is our preferred Neti Pot.

We hope you implement these Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques to feel more alive, well, healthy, and lucid.

What is your experience in using these (or other) Ayurvedic Cleansing Techniques?


4 comments Paz Romano
6 Nov

11 Surprising Facts About Bob Marley

Interesting Facts About Bob Marley

I decided to read the critically acclaimed Timothy White biography, Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley because I was hoping to learn more about the man behind the music that has been so deeply moving to me. I became interested after listening to Bob for a few months straight.

Bob’s music has had such an impact on me, it is so powerful.

I started to question the perception of Bob in the US.

I had a funny feeling that the short sited view of Bob Marley in the US was wrong and somewhat disrespectful and dismissive. I thought, “There’s got to be so much more to Bob Marley than a good singer who smoked pot.” Indeed there was.

Here are 11 surprising facts about Bob Marley:

1. Bob Marley once worked as a custodian in the USA.

For a short while, when he was in his early twenties, Bob Marley lived and worked as a custodian in the state of Delaware. Bob did not enjoy the work and eventually quit. I found this to be one of the most fascinating facts about Bob Marley.

2. How Bob Marley met his wife Rita.

One day, before the band had reached it’s pinnacle of popularity, Rita and a group of her friends ran into Bob Marley and The Wailers as they walked to band rehearsal. Rita and her friends continued to join The Wailers as they walked to rehearsal and eventually began hanging out in The Wailers’ studio.

Bob told Rita he was romantically interested in her through a written letter. Rita was shocked as Bob never showed any interest in her previously despite her constantly being around the band.

3. Bob’s real name was Nesta.

Nesta is Jamaican for ‘messenger’. Bob Marley was actually born Nesta Robert Marley, but inverted the first and middle name when he came to the United States, with his full name becoming Robert Nesta Marley. His mother, Cedella, chose this name because she had visions of his birth and believed he was blessed by God. All his family and friends referred to him as ‘Nesta’ growing up. In his later teenage years, Bob preferred being called ‘Bob’ because it made him sound more like a professional musician.

4. Bob Marley never fired (or even touched) a firearm.

Despite all the violence in Jamaica, it is believed that Bob never fired a shot. This is the one of the facts about Bob Marley that researchers are 99.9% certain of.

5. Before his death, Bob traveled to Germany to be treated by a controversial Oncologist.

The German oncologist extended Bob’s life by 6 months, more than anyone thought possible.

6. Bob’s estate was valued at $30mm at death.

There are ongoing battles over publishing rights to Bob’s records and to who rightfully owns the money in the estate. This is one of the facts about Bob Marley that was discussed in White’s book ad nauseam.

7. Bob Marley was seen as a brilliant child.

Bob was seen as the most intelligent child in his age group and often made prophetic statements that later became true.

8. When he was 5 years old, Bob Marley’s family had no idea of his whereabouts for one year.

Bob’s father took him to Kingston for schooling, but left Bob with a stranger to fend for himself. Bob’s mother had no idea where he was for one year. Then one day, Bob’s aunt was visiting Kingston and spotted him walking. Even after this, it still took weeks for Bob’s aunt to remember where she spotted him. Once she recalled, Bob’s mother found young Bob who had been staying with a woman for the previous few months. Bob’s mother took him back to the countryside where he was born. This is one of the more fascinating facts about Bob Marley that makes his life even more remarkable.

9. Bob Marley jogged several miles each morning for energy.

Bob was relentless about this habit. He’d wake up early every morning and run outside for miles. He would often drag the reluctant members of The Wailers with him. This was one of my favorite facts about Bob Marley. When I first learned this, it struck me as one of the more surprising facts about Bob Marley but on second thought, I can certainly picture him and the Wailers jogging the Jamaican beaches each morning.

10. In his adult years, Bob rarely slept.

He was always the last one to go to sleep at night and the first one to wake up. Bob only slept for 3~4 hours per night.

11. In 1976, Bob was almost assassinated.

While hanging out at his home in Jamaica, gunmen stormed into the home & opened fire, shooting Bob & his friends. Several died & were critically injured but Bob made it out relatively unscathed.

Summary of Catch a Fire : The Life of Bob Marley

Facts about Bob Marley

White’s book received applause from critics such as the San Francisco Chronicle‘s assessment, “Probably the finest biography ever written about a popular musician.” Perhaps the recent biographies I’ve read have set the bar too high (Isaacson’s Steve Jobs and Chernow’s Washington) but I disagree with the Chronicle and the majority of critics. 

As much as I learned from reading Timothy White’s Catch a Fire, I was left with little sense of Bob Marley as an artist or person. Major life events in Bob’s life are captured, historical and cultural context are prevalent, but I would still like to learn more facts about Bob Marley.

I felt Timothy White did a poor job explaining the writing of Bob’s songs and the inspiration for them. There was very little information on the relationship between Bob and Rita. On the other hand, 1/4 of the book is comprised of dry legal details after Bob had already passed… nitty gritty details about the battles for Bob’s estate.

The reader never really got inside Bob’s head to get a feel for the man. The book offered very little explanation of how a young boy born to an impoverished single mother (in a third world country) was able to popularize a genre of music that was unknown to the world outside of Jamaica in the early 1970s.

Overall, I give this book a 6.5 out of 10. Should you read Timothy White’s Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley book if interested in Jamaica, Bob, Rastafarianism, Bob’s music? Yes…. until I find a better Bob book to recommend to you 😉 But in all seriousness, you will learn a lot of facts about about Bob Marley by reading White’s book but you might be left yearning to learn more.

What did you learn from reading this post?

Can you recommend a resource to learn more facts about Bob Marley?

Please let us know in the comments section!

4 comments Paz Romano
28 Aug

Amazing Michael Franti Concert in Minneapolis

Michael Franti Concert in Minneapolis

Danielle and I recently attended the Minneapolis Basilica Block Party and participated in a Michael Franti concert. It was an amazing show. In today’s world of quick tweets and Instagram photos, I’m writing this longer recap post to share this incredible experience with our readers.

I hadn’t heard of Michael Franti but Danielle loves his music and assured me that I would too.

From the very beginning of the set, Michael connected with us. His message was one of presence, positivity, peace, fun, oneness and unity among all humans regardless of race/religion/geographic location. Michael began by making a tribute to Minneapolis’ beautiful Basilica Church (a fitting location for this concert) and all the people who worship there and help others.

basilica church michael franti concert

The Basilica Church in Minneapolis looking smashing the night of the Block Party! 🙂

michael franti spearhead basilica block party

Michael Franti & Spearhead ready for the night!

Of course, the songs were amazing. However, even more unique/noteworthy was the conversation Michael had with the crowd in between songs. Michael talked about enjoying each moment, embracing and expressing who you are, loving all races, and treating everyone the same. In between songs, Michael spoke about not just tolerating diversity but embracing and celebrating it. He spoke about treating everyone the same regardless of whether they have two moms or two dads, etc.

As the show started, I quickly found out that you don’t listen to Michael’s music…. you are absorbed by it. He’s one of those artists that is amazing as a live performer…. probably because each lyric/note comes from an authentic, conscious individual who strives to be present in each moment. His music has the power to remove layers and barriers and reveal the love and peace that exists inside of all of us.

Danielle and I somehow managed to find a spot in to the middle of the fourth row (Danielle was consequentially able to get all the great photos in this post!), giving us an up close and personal view of the passion and positive energy that Michael brings in his performance.

michael franti singing

Michael Franti looking and sounding awesome up close!

When Michael took the stage, we could tell there was a special/different energy that he brought. He was certainly lucid throughout the show and he excelled in engaging with and connecting to the crowd.

At one point in the show, Danielle and I noticed that Michael was barefoot. I thought of the sensations of the connection with our bodies and the Earth that Brian and I had when we “earthing it” in Thailand for ten days. I later learned that Michael has been earthing (not wearing shoes) since 2000 (yes, really).

michael franti basilica block party

Michael Franti giving great music and energy to the crowd while barefoot.

I’m not a believer in labeling music but the best description of the style of Michael’s music is blend of reggae, jazz, and pop. But the difference between Michael’s songs and most “pop” music is that each line of each song has true meaning. Michael’s fresh sound is certainly unique.

Danielle and I laughed, danced, jumped (literally!), sweat, and cried (especially during Michael’s song about his 16 year old son who was recently diagnosed with a rare kidney disease… Michael, the Lucid Practice community’s prayers are with your son!) during Michael’s hour and a half set.

michael franti guitar

Michael Franti radiates strong and loving energy ~~ it is so easy to connect with him.

Experience a Preview of Michael Franti songs:

Sound of Sunshine

I’m Alive

Say Hey (I love you)

A little more of a reggae feel:
East to the West

Here are a few powerful lines from the above Michael Franti song:

Music’s too large for just one station
Love is too big for just one nation
God is too big for just one religion

Here’s an interview with Michael talking about how he practices yoga with fans before concerts:

Danielle was recently awarded a fellowship, she’ll be in China for nine months. This concert was a special experience and helped us grow closer together at an important time in our relationship.

tim danielle michael franti concert

Feeling grateful after the show for attending an incredible concert.

Michael Franti as an Inspiration to All!

I hope this post serves as an inspiration for our readers to listen to Michael and spread his message far and wide. I encourage everyone to go a Michael Franti concert and to listen to Michael Franti and the Spearheads!

Michael, thank you for a great show. Your message of love, oneness, and being alive…. of being connected to our fellow humans….it’s needed today. The more people who are attuned to oneness, the better will be our world.

michael franti concert

We are all one!

We’d love to hear from anyone who is a Michael Franti fan in the comments section!

3 comments Paz Romano
20 Aug

In Honor of BKS Iyengar

Words cannot express how much this man has given to others. Thank you, Mr. Iyengar! Please comment with a notable BKS Iyengar lesson/memory in the comments section as a tribute to BKS.

14 December, 1918 ~ 20 August, 2014.

3 comments Paz Romano
5 Jul

Gentle Morning Yoga to Start Your Day Slowly

This is a 22 minute practice for anyone with an injury, a limited amount of time, or a preference to start their day with deep breathing & presence but not intensive asana postures.

Take time for yourself.

Be kind to your body.

Enjoy and let us know what you think 🙂

0 comments Paz Romano
4 Jul

The Sandlot Fireworks Scene w/ Ray Charles America the Beautiful

This scene depicts the quintessential American 4th of July celebration. Care free summer fun with friends, family, and in this case…. baseball! This is also an amazing rendition of America the Beautiful by Ray Charles. Happy Independence Day to all our American friends and readers!

1 comment Paz Romano