“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can”
~ John Wesley
~ John Wesley
~ St. Augustine
Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination. Perfection knows nothing about wrong and right, good and bad, happy and sad. It knows only itself as Perfection. […]
Hiking Volcan Baru in Boquete, Panama Total cost – $13 USD Hiking Volcan Baru is an experience that Brian and I will never forget. At 3,475 meters (11,400 feet), the Baru Volcano is the highest point in all of Panama. If you want to experience the rare sensation of viewing both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea from far […]
~ Wayne Dyer
Fun song about positive energy, enjoying life, meditation, yoga, traveling, and taking responsibility for your life. Thank you to Danners for sending this our way! Enjoy 🙂
~ Dalai Lama
I first heard the “Hang” or HandPan while practicing yoga last week. Our class was lucky enough to have a live musician there to play the HandPan during our practice, and I have been thinking about the instrument ever since. It really reminds me of the steel drums, which give off such an amazing sound. I […]
~ Jim Goodwin
Yoga Interviews : Maria from Daily Downward Dog Today is the 6th week our 8 week yoga interviews series where we’re presenting interviews of 8 influential yoga bloggers. We ask 8 engaging questions and release an interview every Saturday at 8am US EST. For this interview, we’re happy to learn more about Maria from the […]
We are back near the cloud-forest 🙂 This is an amazing place for $11/night. A small bit about Salento: Salento is a small little town in Quindío , in the Zona Cafetera region of Colombia. Zona Cafetera also known as “Eje Cafetero” is a coffee going region in the Andino region in Colombia. The terraced slopes of the Zona Cafetera yield nearly half of Colombia’s […]
~George Santayana
~ Steve Jobs
“When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited […]
Many people are inclined to attach blame to someone or something outside themselves—a provocation, insult, personal attack, basketball game. When all the dust settles, however, the most accurate belief about an angry display is “I made me do it.” Via Fighting Mad
~ Unknown
Amazing Cinematography in this Short Mountain Film This is short film is a work of amazing cinematography from Sherpas Cinema. Ever since I came across this video three years ago, I’ve been enamored with the concept, the film work, the quality of the camera used, and the talent of the main character. Simply incredible. Whenever I’m […]
Guatapé is located in the outskirts of Medellín, bordering a reservoir created by the Colombian government for a hydro-electric dam, built in the late 1960s. This quaint town is the gathering place for “Las Vegas”, or the small farms of the area. It is also a growing area of recreation for citizens of Medellín, and aims […]
~ Lao Tzu
Rick Mereki spent 44 days, traveling 38,000 miles, across 11 countries, just to film this one-minute video. The concept is simple, but boy, what a video.
A Guide on how to use workaway.info As we travel South America, it is inspiring to listen and talk to people using the website Workaway.info There are so many people basically traveling for free using this website. Last week we signed up for Workaway and the results that happened in days was nothing short of […]
~ Arthur Ashe
Backpacking the Osa Peninsula The Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica : How to get there and what to do: After days of a laid-back jungle lifestyle, surrounded by the most beautiful natural sights, I’m happy to report that the Osa Peninsula on the South Pacific region of Costa Rica is a must-see when traveling in Costa […]
Calming Relaxation Music Music has a profound impact on our state of being — that’s why we post calming relaxation music for the Lucid Practice Community. Hope you enjoy this piece, Canon and Gigue composed by Johann Pachelbel in 1680. Pachelbel composed over 500 pieces…. this is by far the most well known today. Pachelbel is famous […]
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Yoga Blogger Interview : It’s All Yoga, Baby Today is the 5th week our 8 week yoga blogger interview series where we’re presenting interviews of 8 influential yoga bloggers. We ask 8 engaging questions and release an interview every Saturday at 8am US EST. For this interview, we’re happy to learn more about Roseanne from […]
Photograph by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice
Joshua A Parable for Today Summary, Notes, Discussion Joshua A Parable for Today Summary, Notes, and Discussion on Pages 1-48, Chapter 1-4 This post, Joshua A Parable for Today Summary, Notes, Discussion is one that is very dear to my heart. My dear cousin Bob introduced me to this beautiful little book. It’s an absolute gem. If […]
~ Franklin P. Jones
We got here on Sunday and our loving this destination. More to come down the line.
~ Thaddeus Golas
I first heard Brazilian musician Seu Jorge in Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I really love the movie, especially the music in it. Seu Jorge covered David Bowie’s classics in Portuguese for much of the movie, the movie’s soundtrack is fantastic, and I hope you enjoy his rendition of “Changes”. Hakuna Matata
Outstanding pictorial & textual guide to beginning & advanced asana backbends: http://www.mryoga.com/backbends Benefits of backbends: Improves spinal flexibility and strength creating better posture, stimulates the central nervous system, abdominal organs and aids in digestion, tones the adrenal glands, kidney, pancreas and liver thyroid gland, abdominal organs and lungs, stretches the chest, lungs, upper and lower […]
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Tea and China Every other Wednesday night, my friend Jane from Hangzhou, China, meets a few of us at the local library for Mandarin Chinese lessons. It’s a small group, usually me, Jane, and Thomas. Thomas is a great guy who’s passionate about Mandarin and more advanced in his […]
Photograph of actor/model Quinn Tu taken by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice