Lucid Practice
A Blog Featuring Enriching Content on Travel, Wellness, Art, and Yoga
Interesting New Technology: Spritz Speed Reading
Elite Daily said it well when they said, “The reading game is about to change forever.” First try using Spritz at a speed that the average American reads, 250 Words Per Minute: Now, what exactly is Spritz? Spritzing is reading text with Spritz Inc.’s patent-pending technology. When you’re spritzing, you’re reading text one word at a time […]
Where we are: Baños, Ecuador (Short Video)
Elon Musk interview at Stanford Business School
Global Possibilities sums up this new Elon Musk Interview well: “As Musk says in the interview, when he was in college he came to the conclusion that a few things would have a huge impact on humanity: the development of the internet (giving our civilization a kind of nervous system, so that any part of […]
Where you want to find love and acceptance you may have to first show love and acceptance, because love can be returned only when it is given.
George Strait – It Just Comes Natural
Fire burns, waves crash, seeds grow and good things last….
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
Photograph of actor/model Quinn Tu taken by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice
Swinging at the tree house in Baños, Ecuador
The simplicity of life reflects what we possess inside.
“May we live like a lotus, at home in muddy water.”
Photograph by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice
Works of art that merely evoke admiration rarely stimulate the mind and have little effect on behavior.
Yoga and Athletics Interview : Sage Rountree
Yoga and Athletics Interview : Sage Rountree We have a special guest interviewee for this week’s interview which is focused mainly on yoga and athletics. This is the final week of our 8 week yoga interview questions and answers series. For each of the past 8 weeks, we’ve presented interviews of 8 influential yoga bloggers. […]
Took both of us getting sick to make it to Quilotoa’s crater lake. But we made it….
Being conscious of our success is not important. The left hand shouldn’t know what the right hand is doing. That can lead to vanity.
How to grow fresh air (Video)
Indoor Air Quality is a topic that I am very passionate about. The fact that over 2 million people have watched this video on TED is a beautiful thing.
Where we are: Quito, Ecuador
Our hostel has awesome views of the city from a top floor lobby/balcony.
The beauty of nature is endless in its fascination.
We had an awesome day visiting some of the sacred places in Quito, Ecuador
“Put a Little Love” – Natural Vibrations
How Living Abroad Can Be Great For Your Business
Throughout our time building the Lucid Practice Community, we’ve met some incredible people. Dave Schneider is one of those people. After graduating from Harvard, Dave could have done basically anything. Instead of going the traditional route, Dave decided to travel the world with his girlfriend and inspire others to do the same. Dave’s site, A […]
Unconditional Love Allows Freedom of Will
Hostile Legacy put together some really awesome words on Unconditional Love. Unconditional love trusts. That’s something I just realized sitting here thinking about it. Unconditional love wishes the best for the beloved. It will always communicate love, and it will not care about making itself happy, but it will be concerned only with the good […]
You can detach yourself from the things you were taught to value. Most “things” do not give us peace and satisfaction.
“Take Five” – Dave Brubeck
Named for the uncommon quintuple time (5/4) it’s written in, “Take Five” is a classic, performed here by Dave Brubeck and his Quartet. Hakuna Matata
Kate and I visited “The center of the Earth” yesterday!
The Ciudad Mitad del Mundo (Spanish: Middle of the World City) is a tract of land owned by the prefecture of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador. It is located at San Antonio parish of the canton of Quito, north of the center of Quito. The grounds contain the Museo Etnográfico Mitad del Mundo, a museum […]
Try walking through life as if material things are worthless.
Two Weeks of Quotes and Questions that will Help you Think Deeply
Over the next two weeks, most of the quotes you will see on Lucid Practice each morning will be from Joshua A Parable for Today. Paz and I recently read this book with friends/members of the Lucid Practice Community. In a previous post, Paz shared our book group’s thoughts and discussion which you can view here: Joshua A […]
“Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.”
Photograph by Danielle Lussier
Felt very inspired visiting the Las Lajas Sanctuary in Ipiales, Colombia
Las Lajas Sanctuary (Spanish: Santuario de Las Lajas) is a basilica church located in the southern Colombian Department of Nariño, municipality of Ipiales and built inside the canyon of the Guáitara River. (Wiki)
Enjoy all the beautiful things that belong to God, like the sunshine and the sky. You don’t have to posses them to enjoy them.
“Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice.”
Photograph by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice
Appreciate the beauty of a soul in a humble person who has no other obvious talent than the humility to stand in awe of the gifts God has given to others.
I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”
~ George Washington
Yoga Interview Questions and Answers : Blogger Adriana Palanca
Yoga Interview Questions and Answers : Blogger Adriana Palanca Today is the 7th week our 8 week yoga interview questions and answers series where we’re presenting interviews of 8 influential yoga bloggers. We ask 8 engaging questions and release an interview every Saturday at 8am US EST. For this interview, we’re happy to learn more […]
2/28 Art: God is in the details
Gone by Isabella Kirkland, 2004.
“Four Seasons” – Vivaldi
Not long after my grandfather passed away, my mother, uncle, and I took my grandmother on a trip to her favorite country, Italy. We began in the South, where we visited the little town my grandmother hails from, moved north to beautiful Florence, and finished our trip in Venice. While traversing the Venetian maze, a […]
Russell Simmons on 40 Minutes of Meditation Per Day
A interesting read about meditation on Yahoo! yesterday. Russell Simmons shared some of his awesome words on the impacts of a meditation practice. “I used to think that the anxiety drove me, that just always worrying about what’s tomorrow was part of the process,” said Simmons. “But letting go of that kind of anxiety is […]
My alma mater was books at a good library…I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.
~ Malcolm X
Fun today at the Cali Zoo in Colombia
Yamas and Niyamas Discussion: Tapas and Yoga
Yamas and Niyamas Discussion: Tapas and Yoga The yamas and niyamas Overview: The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras — this post will discuss the niyama called tapas. The yamas and niyamas can accurately be described as ten guidelines to purifying life and reaching true freedom and mental emancipation. The […]
Where we are: Cali, Colombia
We are making a three day stop (we think) in the city of Cali. Cali is known as the “Capital de la Salsa” given the city’s infatuation with Afro-Caribbean music. We tried our first class last night and it didn’t look quite like the video above 🙂 We look forward to checking out the Zoo and the […]
Swinging at the tree house in Baños, Ecuador
How One Man Earned 4 Million Airline Miles by Buying Dollar Coins
Rewards cards are a great way to earn free cash and travel, provided you don’t carry a balance or pay a big annual fee. But it can take a while to see a significant return: If your card earns a standard 1 percent cash back, spending $10,000 on the card gets you just $100. And the […]
Yoga and Thriving at Business – Russell Simmons’ Story
Thank you for following Lucid Practice
“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles” said William Penn, Quaker founder of the Pennsylvania colony. He founded his colony on religious toleration and by doing so, he created America’s first great melting pot. English, Irish, Germans, Catholics, Jews, and an assortment of Protestant sects were drawn to […]